
Thursday 27 December 2018

SUMMER LEARNING JOURNEY: Spectacular, Spectacular ⛅

Hi and welcome to another Summer Learning Journey post! I'm writing to you from Greymouth, today we visited the Hokitika Gorge and Lake Kaniere. Everything was so beautiful, but the use of 10-80, potassium-cyanide and the deforestation I saw was really devastating. I am against the use of 10-80 in New Zealand and believe there are better ways to get rid of unwanted pests that don't danger our native animals.
Alas, I hope you enjoy. 

Activity 2: It’s All in the Name [4 points]

Rotorua is one of New Zealand’s most popular tourist destinations. It is a city filled with incredible forests, mountain biking tracks, lakes, and geothermal wonders, including hot springs (geysers) and mud pools. One of the most famous geothermal pools is called the Devil’s Bath at Wai-o-Tapu Thermal Wonderland. It is a neon green pool of stinky water. 

Over the years, people have suggested that we come up with a new name for the pool. What do you think we should call it? Take a minute to let your creative juices flow.

On your blog, give us a list of three to five options for the name of this geothermal pool. Put a star (*) beside the name that you like the most.

I liked the Grinch's Hideout most because I think it's something that's funny, but it's colour is related to something we all know. I liked 'hideout' because I think it would attract tourists if they thought it was secretive, all while sounding epic!

Activity 3: Picture Perfect [10 points]
While New Zealand is home to some beautiful waterfalls, there are a number of stunning waterfalls in places like Canada and South Africa. In Canada, the largest waterfall is called Niagara Falls. It sits on the border between Canada and the United States of America. Thousands of tourists flock (go) to Niagara Falls every year to see the falls and to have their picture taken in front of this natural wonder. Over the past few years people have started taking ‘selfies’ and posting them online. Do you ever take selfies? 

For this activity, choose one of the following three selfies. From left to right: Selfie #1,   Selfie #2,   Selfie #3

For this activity, it was difficult to choose what selfie I wanted to utilise. 
One of my goals is to write different genres of stories, so I decided to write something a little different that what I would usually write. After pondering for a while, I decided to focus on Selfie #2. 

Be right back... I'm writing!

"-and onto breaking news, a New Zealand man has died from his injuries after he fell off the Christ of Redeemer statue in Brazil yesterday. Jane McCartney reports."
"Yes George, it is believed the man had only been in Brazil for a few hours when he fell off the 38m tall statue in Rio de Janeiro yesterday around 5:30am New Zealand time, seconds after taking a selfie which he uploaded to Instagram.
Larry Hopkins of Palmerston North was reported dead by Brazilian authorities at 4:45 New Zealand time this afternoon. It was reported Hopkins suffered injuries to most of his body including a fractured skull and neck. Now at this point an autopsy is due on Friday, but police have been quiet in regards to the incident.
"Have the police said anything in regards to the selfie?"
"Although the police are yet to release a statement, there has been quite some public talk about the selfie, which has been circulating social media since the incident. The selfie, which was uploaded to Hopkins' Instagram, has since reached more than 1.5 million people since it was posted yesterday."
"Have the family of Larry Hopkins released anything?"
No, not at all, George: police have contacted the family but nothing has been heard.
"Thank you, Jane." 
"Thank you, George." 

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