
Thursday 29 March 2018


27.03.18: My Backyard.

Word Vomit

 20.03.18: The Assassin.
In the pitch black night underneath a moon shining bright, a local fisherman named John Lock sailed through the stream. Tonight he had picked an interesting form of transportation, from deep in the sea of boxes in his garage. 
The rowboat was red, with a hull of rust and an engine of dented steel. It had a floor of mould-encrusted wood and cardboard boxes; a small seat made of cushions and a coil of frayed rope in the left corner.
John was unlike many fisherman in the region of Czechoslovakia. Instead of standing at the peers or at the riverbanks, he spent his days - nights, to be specific - living a dirty secret. He was an assassin; hired by the richest of the rich, to steal, borrow, or barter from the houses of peasants. He didn't find much, admittedly. On bad days it would be canned food or photo frames, and on the occasional good days he would find meat and animals.
Luckily, tonight was one of these nights.
John reached the island of Purendia just after midnight. His first target was a small home overlooking the beach. His feet moved swiftly across the cold, grainy sand as waves lapped past his ankles and moved the rowboat from side to side. In the house he found a tiny kitten. It mewed and pawed at it's cage as John grinned evilly and picked it up. In his sack the kitten went. 
John explored further into the kitchen, this time....
(243 words)

27.03.18: The Backyard.
It was in the darkest of the dark shadows towering across the backyard that the fallen tree rested. It's roots resembled long curls sticking out of the ground, covered in old moss and dead grass. There was the remains of a spiderweb hanging from one of the branches. It was silver and shiny when the sun reflected off it. My little sister Kiera had named the whitetail spider that spun it's web in intricate patterns Gregory. She would spend hours just looking at it, letting it crawl across the palm of her hand, squealing as it crawled further and further up. 

Beside the tree, bathed in the blinding security light, sat Dad's motorcycle. It's blue and silver exterior was pristine and polished, not a scratch in sight. This was because he took care of it so much. My brother A.J didn't take care of his so much. 

The motorcycle still had the remains from today's hard work piled on it. A clipboard and red pen was balanced on the handlebars, an old apple core (Dad's lunch) rested by the wheel and a gearbox full of nuts and bolts on the back leather seat. Dad had worked very long and hard that afternoon. The sun blazed upon him leaving patches of red across his back that he hissed at when Mum tried to help him. 

It was in the bushes next to the motorcycle that the weird things began. Another prized possession of Kiera's - the old red toaster. It's metal rings were rusted and twisted like a pretzel. It's knobs were loose and missing, with scratches along the red exterior and rusted bottom.
(273 words)

Wednesday 28 March 2018


Yesterday, as Easter is rapidly approaching, Chloe, Kayne and I baked Hot Cross Buns in Home Economics.

  • Whole wheat or white flour
  • Baking powder
  • Salt
  • Butter 
  • Honey
  • Cinnamon
  • Raisins
  • Milk
Frosting ingredients
  • Icing sugar
  • Milk
  • Vanilla essence
The method consisted of mixing our dry ingredients together in a bowl, then incorporating the butter in until it resembled coarse breadcrumbs. 
Next came the honey, cinnamon and raisins, which we had to toss slightly, for some flavour and texture to our buns. 
The next step is to make a well in the middle of the bowl. Then you add the entirety of the milk at once, using a fork to stir it around quickly. The dough should pull away and look like a ball.
The final step is to divide the ball into smaller, even balls, but Kayne, Chloe and I divided ours into three big ones.

To bake the buns, place the balls atop a baking sheet. Use a knife to cut a deep cross through the top of each ball. 
Bake the buns at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. 
Ours took approximately 14 minutes to bake. 

To make the icing, in a bowl we mixed icing sugar, a small amount of milk, and a few drops of vanilla essence. Remember to be careful! The icing consistency must be thick but not runny. If you pull it up with a spoon it should run down, but not fall off the spoon. I think we nailed our icing because it delicious and a perfect consistency without needing an extra amount of any ingredients. 

Once the buns are finished baking, leave them to cool for just a few minutes if time allows. We actually had a lot of spare time so we left them for about two minutes to allow the bread to set and cool. If we were to put the icing on immediately, it would have melted down due to the high temperature of the buns.

 Now it is time to ice the hot cross buns! Using a spoon, we drizzled the icing on the buns using our cross as a guideline. It was difficult to get a perfect cross but we definitely could have done worse. 

We believe we had a really good practical lesson. Our buns were cooked perfectly on the inside - light and fluffy, and firm on the outside. 
They tasted delicious, I really liked how the cinnamon, honey and salt added flavour, as well as how the raisins added texture. 

My favourite part of the process was the icing, it had a really good consistency and sweet taste. It was also fun to drizzle it on top of the bun. 

It is very important to ensure your measurements are accurate. Baking is a science, not an art. One wrong measurement can lead to bad consequences in the end, whether your muffins go flat or cookies are crumbly. 
It is worth taking extra time to make sure they're correct than guessing!

Monday 26 March 2018


This term, 9Rc have been working on our musical theatre number to perform. The song we voted on was This Is Me from The Greatest Showman. 

We have been working hard twice a week all term. By Week 9, we have the choreography for the entire song finished and roles established. Our next steps are to work on costumes and makeup, and to clean up our choreography to make it perfect.

I chose to have an acting/singing role in the performance. I was assigned to sing this part of the song, "We are bursting through the barricades and reaching for the stars," and also to assist Chloe with her part, the strong bridge. 

I enjoy my role because I have an opportunity to act like a diva and I like the message my parts of the song give. 

For my costume, I'm thinking something pilgrim or vintage with a chic twist. My idea is a dress with some crazy coloured hair and Victorian makeup. However at the end of the show I have to do a flip and that might not work out in a dress... maybe for the other roles, perhaps.

Other ideas I have include leggings, a trench coat, large hair wig, and some fancy flat shoes... I don't think I'll be flipping around the stage in heels just yet. I like the idea of Victorian makeup, with crazy blush, small lips and some dark, drawn on brows.

The whole idea of the song is for us, the 'peasants or freaks' to break out and show who we really are; talented performers who are confident and proud. The lyrics are really empowering alongside the upbeat soundtrack, with some emotional parts of the song where we can attract the audience's attention. 

I'm really proud of the progress we have completed so far. The performance is in a few weeks and I am confident that we will be able to clean up our choreography, singing, and costumes by then. I think everyone in the class, including me, are breaking out of their comfort zones and having lots of fun doing things we haven't really done before. 

I am feeling very nervous about the show, as we are performing in front of all the new Year Sevens, Eight, and new Year Nine teachers. I can imagine everyone is though too, however!

Here are some photos from rehearsal so far!  

Can you see me (the tall redhead) at the right back? 

Wednesday 21 March 2018

Wonder Novel Study: JUSTIN ✨

"Describe a character or individual that you disliked OR admired in the written text. Explain how your feelings towards this character helped you understand the text as a whole."

What was an individual that you disliked or admired in the written text?... The character I chose for was Justin. Yet somehow, it wasn’t planned. It went more like how a piece of driftwood drifts through a rip… yeah, it was like that. I was attracted to Justin in the same way; his character intrigued me. He is merely an extra in the shot of the universe Wonder is set in, yet there is something about this individual that makes me admire, and wonder about Justin. Here’s why.

It is page 113 when we are told, from Via’s perspective, of her school’s reaction to the rare condition August has. “I don’t want to be defined that way,” she says, the final line of the paragraph she has spent explaining the whispers between stolen glances and the conversations thrown up into the air like forbidden pixie dust, that Via experiences. We can determine from this small yet profound phrase, that this is a fear Via may hold. The fear that she will be judged not by her personality, but the rare condition outlining the features on her brother’s face and neck. The scars littering his lips and nose. The slanted eyes and dare I say, ‘ugly appearance.’

It should be, by no surprise, a harsh surprise for Justin. The pretty girl he has fallen in love with, to hold such an enormous secret she devises to keep confidential. In fact, it is the third date when this secret comes out. However Justin does not react the way that would be expected of any of Via’s classmates. He accepts it. He lets it absorb his mind at times. ‘I’m not shocked,’ he lies, careful to reassure Via that everything is fine, because, it turns out to be. Justin revolves into a figure of surprising authority. It is at the subway that he stands up for August and Jack; bravely turning his attention to the boys that have been tormenting them. “Don’t mess with Jack,” he says slowly yet forcefully. His carefully woven words share a perspective of the reactions of older people outside of the Pullman family. What it is really like to have got to known August Pullman.

It is this that made me believe in Justin a lot more; to allow me to realise he is not just a single star in the Wonder universe.

Justin is a planet revolving around the sun.  


Aim: To separate a solute from a solvent in a solution using distillation.

Hypothesis: I think the no-sugar coke will evaporate faster because it has no sugar in it to increase the density.

Equipment: A solution of Coca Cola, conical flask, heatproof mat, a delivery tube, bung, Bunsen burner, tripod, gauze mat, retort stand, boss head, clamp, boiling tube, and three different kinds of Coca Cola. The control variables in this experiment consisted of Coke with no sugar, Diet Coke, and regular Coke.

1. Set up equipment as shown in the following diagram.

2. Add approximately 20 ml of Coca Cola to the boiling tube to be heated above the Bunsen burner.

3. Light the Bunsen burner and turn the air hole to a blue flame. My group used our flame with an orange tip for the best results.

4. Heat the solution until most of the solvent has been evaporated. Turn off your Bunsen burner.


No Sugar Coke Photos


Normal Coke Photos



Diet Coke Photos


Why did the normal coke go green?
It's difficult to tell. The only colourant in Coca Cola is the dark brown caramel flavouring and there was nothing else in the boiling tube that could have affected the results. 

Which coke was the quickest to evaporate, and why?
The normal coke was the quickest.
The theory I believe to be most accurate is the difference in boiling points between the three cokes. The boiling point of high fructose corn syrup is 110°c. The boiling point of acesulfame potassium is 225°c. From this we can conclude that the normal coke evaporated faster because of the lower boiling point of it's sugar content compared to the acesulfame potassium in the Diet and No-Sugar coke.

What could we have done to have conducted a more accurate experiment?
We could have used a thermometer to monitor and record the temperature of the coke to determine what temperature it is at during the boiling process.
We could have measured the volume of liquid left in the condensation tube at the end to determine how much of the solvent evaporated from it's original 20 mL. 

The normal coke evaporated faster than the Diet and No-Sugar Cokes because of the lower boiling point of its sugar content compared to the acesulfame potassium in the Diet and No-Sugar coke. 
We were able to separate the liquid from the Cokes using distillation and therefore our experiment was successful. The no-sugar coke evaporated and condensed 4 minutes and 45 seconds slower in comparison to the normal coke, therefore making my hypothesis incorrect!

Wonder Novel Study Part Seven ✨

Wonder Work | Pages 249-310

1. August's fears of going on the camp were justified in my opinion. It can be nerve-wrecking to sleep away from home right now and it's fair that August's condition would be worse judging by his needs. He hasn't stayed away before and being at a camp surrounded by people he's only known for a few months would be scary.

2. Eddie and Julian, the two bullies in the story, are different. Julian takes a verbal bullying approach that may be foreseen as adults as just teasing or 'false compliments'. Eddie on the other hand, takes a physical approach with a goal to hurt his victims. They are two different kinds of bullying, however Eddie's is more violent.

3. The relationships between August and his classmates at the start and the end have changed drastically. At the start of the year, he didn't have many friends. Now he has a group of good friends that protect him and support him. His classmates are used to his face by now and think of him as a normal kid now, which is what August would have wanted.

4. August has shown greatness by always trying to stay positive and not hurting people with his emotions during his time at school. Anytime people have been mean he has not been mean back. He has tried his best in all of his classes, getting top grades in Science and defying expectations. Another great thing August has done is do brave things he would have never imagined doing just a few months ago - things such as camp. 

5. At the start of the book, August was a shy, Star Wars fan who was insecure and isolated from the ordinary lives of middle schoolers. By the end, August broke out of his shell and now is interacting with ordinary kids and going to a normal school. Things that contributed to the change is that he is gaining better experience in a normal school than being home schooled, developing social skills, and getting better technology for his needs. He has also gotten a better understanding of Via's life, Daisy's life, Jack's life, and his parent's lives.

6. My favourite character in the story is Via. I empathise with her because I have younger siblings that I sometimes feel get more attention than me at points. She had an impact on the story by sharing her perspective on the Pullman family, her school life, and what people outside of the family think of August. She helped August deal with his school life and encourage him to face his fears, which I think impacted the story tremendously. I picked Via because I empathise with her and want to be like her. 

7. The story explores the themes: Friendship, Betrayal, Overcoming Challenges, Bullying, and Family Relationships. Create a Brainstorm web on what the story has told for each theme.

8. I think August's future holds a lot of social development, surgeries, and overall improvement on his health. He might go into a Science career because that it was he's passionate about.

VOCABULARY: Find the meanings of the following words.

Rappelled: Another word for abseil - to descend cliffs or rock faces assisted by ropes.
Concession: To grant something.
Brainiac: A very intelligent person.
Imbeciles: A person of stupidity.
Quantifiable: To have the ability to be expressed as a quantity of something.
Verbosity: Using more words than required.
Abolitionist: The movement to end slavery.

CREATE: Make a promotional, digital poster to encourage others to read Wonder. 


Yesterday Chloe, Kayne, Jay and I made cupcakes in Home Economics.

The ingredients we used included:
  • Caster sugar
  • Flour
  • Egg
  • Butter
  • Cocoa powder
  • Baking soda
  • Milk
  • Cupcake liners, muffin pan
For the icing:
  • Food colouring
  • Caster sugar
  • Butter
  • Vanilla essence
I think we did well as we worked and baked. What worked well is that we were able to work quickly and the cupcakes baked perfectly. What didn't work is how long it took us to clean up and making the icing - we had to add more butter as there was too much caster sugar in there and the mixture was crumbly and dry. Our dishes were not washed properly but we could solve this by assigning a dish washer that can do dishes properly. 

This is what the cupcakes ended up like. For our batter we decided to add cocoa powder to make it chocolate flavoured instead of vanilla flavoured. 

We also decided to make our icing blue using blue food colouring.

Our cupcakes tasted nice however they were a little dry. We could improve this next time by adding more butter or wet ingredients. 

My favourite part of the process was mixing the wet and dry ingredients together to create the thick batter. My least favourite part was the icing, I was getting frustrated because the butter wasn't working.

When and where will you apply the knowledge you have gained from this experience?
I think we will apply this knowledge in the kitchen while baking or cooking in general. We learned a lot about measuring accurately and problem solving (adding butter when the mixture was too dry).

Tuesday 20 March 2018


On Wednesday 14th March, me and my fellow student council members attended the 2018 World Vision Youth Conference at the La Vida Centre in Riccarton. The conference ran from 9:45 to 2:45 and was a great day for all of us. I believe we all learned a lot!

A few things we learned were the living conditions in South Sudan, how to take leadership, and lots about politics and the New Zealand government. 

South Sudan
South Sudan is one of the latest world regions to be granted as a country, when it gained it's independence from Sudan in 2011. 
It is located in East-Central Africa between Ethiopia and the Central African republic.
The living condition in South Sudan are unimaginable, with 80% of the population living with a poor income of less than $1.83 NZD per day. The citizens of South Sudan are very effected by conflict and ethnic tension arising in the region. 
The 40 Hour Famine is one of the major organisations working to help with South Sudan and the famine, poverty, and poor living conditions they live through. Money raised in this year's 40 Hour Famine will go towards South Sudanese refugees. 

For more information visit World Vision's website. 

How to take leadership
As well as talking about the famine, our speakers also treated us to talks about taking leadership roles in the community and country. The speakers talked about what it means to be leader, what they do, and how you can become a leader. We learned that leaders think differently - they have a vision of what to do and how. Leaders are ruthless, take risks, and are able to make good choices.

Chloe Swarsbrick, New Zealand's youngest member of Parliament at only 21 years old, was a speaker at the event. She explained a lot about how she got into politics, what it's like being in parliament, and how she decided to get into politics. Before Parliament she worked in the radio industry, inspired to become a politician after interviewing two candidates for Auckland Mayor. She said that she didn't like how most politicians in this country, and across the world, are "older, white men", and her plan was to break those stereotypes. It shows how anyone can be a leader if they really strive to be one.

What are we going to with this information?
Me and the rest of the accompanists to the conference are forming a committee this year. The committee is dedicated to organising, running and holding the 40 Hour Famine at Hornby High School this year. We were able to come up with some great ideas at the conference with the help of others schools and year levels, and we're working to get them into action by July. I think it is important to hold the 40 Hour Famine because we need to raise awareness for the living conditions in South Sudan currently, and the best way to do that is to put ourself in their shoes. 

What was my highlight?
A personal highlight for me is when one of the speakers said, "Be ruthless." That made me change my perspective on what a good leader is. I imagined good leaders to follow the rules and directions to gain experience to be at the top, but this conference showed me it's not. To be a leader, you need to be ruthless and take risks to get what you want. 

Here are some photos from the event!

Me and Nathan with Chloe Swarsbrick!

We all got a photo at the centre!

Wonder Novel Study Part Six ✨

Wonder Work | Pages 205-248

1. August doesn't like events that include parents because he will have to face people whose eyes are not used to his face, or don't know what is wrong with him. 

2. The change that is occurring is that people are being kind and being social with August. 6 months ago his classmates were scared to touch him or talk to him. 

3. August felt sad and embarrassed about getting hearing aids because he didn't want to stick out even more than he does. If he got hearing aids, people would notice them a lot more. I don't think his argument was justified because it is much more beneficial and important to get hearing aids rather than not. Better health and hearing senses is more essential than self-asteem. 

4. Via kept her part in the play a secret because she didn't want the school to find out about her deformed brother. She was afraid people would think of her differently. Via's mm said the play wasn't something August would be interested in because he would get bored. Plus, August doesn't like social events or being around parents.

5. It means that everyone across the world should be recognised for at least one of their talents and skills once. August might believe it because he wants to be recognised for his academic excellence in science and be seen as normal and superior, as he hasn't gotten that opportunity yet.

6. Daisy's death had a negative effect on the characters but got something positive out of the experience. The whole family was sad and crying about the death but it was the thing that brought them together again and made all the fights forgotten about. 

7. Miranda claimed sickness because she might have been effected by nerves or felt pressured by the fact August was there. He was a painful reminder of all of her struggles with him, Via, and camp. 

8. My perception on Miranda changed because she has been through many bad things in her life that she hasn't really mentioned in the story or told anyone. Camp was more than just a style change, she ended up telling a web of lies and being sucked in with the popular girls for it. At first I felt Miranda was a mean person that changed and didn't want to hang out with Via anymore, but then my opinion changed when I found out she had gone through bad things and she just didn't know how to deal with her feelings about Via, August, her family, and camp.

Can Do Tasks

CREATE: Create a Kahoot quiz that has at least 20 reorganisation questions about the story so far.

VOCABULARY: Find the definitions of the following words: mayhem, taciturn, gazillion, sarcastic, hysterically and bittersweet.
Mayhem: A disorderly place or act - in chaos or wild uproar.
Taciturn: How a person is if they say very little.
Gazillion: A large quantity of something.
Sarcastic: To say something in an ironic, mocking manner. 
Hysterically: Uncontrolled emotions.
Bittersweet: Pleasure with thoughts of hurt or pain. 

Friday 16 March 2018

Wonder Novel Study Part Five ✨

Wonder Work | Pages 158 - 204

1. Motivations for Julian's mum to Photoshop August out of the photo include having an aversion to August's facial deformities and what confusion and ugliness it will add to the image.

2. Mrs Albans' statement is unjustified, overestimated, and wrong, and I think that she overestimated August's condition or what she has heard about him. I don't think she was correct when she said it places too much of a burden on August's classmates because it is something August cannot change about himself and it is disrespectful towards him and Mrs Alban's opinion of his classmates. It's not a burden because they will need to see that there is more to people than what they look like on the outside.

3. I disagree with Mrs Albans' when she said August shouldn't have allowed in Beecher Prep. Besides from his face, he is a perfectly ordinary human with a high ability to learn and interact with others, and he should not be discriminated against for something he can't change or hide.

4. Jack handled the situation badly. He said he felt awful being alone because he thought everyone was watching and judging him. Jack was desperate to find a new friend group again and kept trying even when they dissed him. Instead of making things better and apologising to August or Julian, he tried to avoid the situation and I don't think that was the best thing to do. 

5. Justin was nervous meeting Olivia's parents because he was afraid that his tics would come out, which happens when he's stressed. I guess he didn't want to make a strange or bad impression on them. 

6. Justin greets the family in different ways because he has different reactions to all of them. When he meets August, he is surprised but wants to make sure that he doesn't show it. When Justin meets Olivia's parents, he is nervous because he doesn't want to reveal his tics. Even when he meets Daisy, his reaction is different - happy - because of the way the dog reacted to him, which he referred to as 'super sweet'.

7. I think it was bad thing for Justin to do because it makes Jack seem like he is too nervous to confront Julian and his friends by himself. It would be another thing for Julian to make fun of him for and could make Jack's social life even worse. Plus, if anything, Julian has double standards, like what August's mum said in the beginning. His reaction to Justin might be different to his reaction to Jake.

8. Via might feel that she is an awful person because of her bottled-up feelings for Miranda and her's relationship, and how she hasn't told Justin about it because when he confronted her about it, she got very upset. She isn't right though! If Via didn't want to tell Justin, that's fine and it should be respected, because there are some things better off unsaid.

9. Part Five is different for a number of reasons. Justin is not a member of the Pullman family and offers a different perspective on August's condition - a perspective others see -  as well as a different perspective on Via's life, in which he is the only character in the book to do so. An obvious reason is that Part Five is written in lower case lettering; something that might have to do with Justin's unique characteristics and personality.

Can Do Tasks!

MUSICAL: Justin and Via are celebrating Valentine's Day. Find a song they might listen to together to celebrate the holiday. Be sure to explain why it fits the occassion and their personalities.

I picked the song "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran. I chose the song because one of the lines are "We were just kids when we fell in love". I think it relates to Olivia and Justin because they are, as the songs say, two kids who fell in love. It's also a genre I feel both of them will enjoy. 

CREATE: Create a display to raise awareness of forms of bullying with ways the victim can overcome these. Use your knowledge of the KIVA program. 


Separating Solutions | Mixing and Separating

Aim: To seperate a solute from a solvent in a solution using evaporation.

Equipment: Copper sulfate solution (for this experiment, we substituted it for salt) 250mL beaker, heatproof mat, gauze mat, evaporating dish, bunsen burner, and tripod.

  • Set up the bunsen burner, tripod and gauze mat. Don't place the bunsen burner under the tripod yet!
  • Add approximately 50mL of hot water to your beaker and place it on top of the tripod and gauze mat. 
  • Add enough copper sulfate solution or salt to quarter fill the evaporating basin, along with approximately 50ml of water. We also used a drop or two of food colouring but this is optional.
  • Carefully place the basin on top of the beaker. 
  • Light your bunsen burner. Open the air hole to create a blue flame and gently push the bunsen burner underneath the centre of the tripod.
  • Heat the solution until most of the solvent (water) has been evaporated and crystals of the solute (salt) are forming. 
  • Turn off your bunsen burner.
Here are some observations we found during the experiment.
After approximately 2 and a half minutes, we saw the water in the evaporating dish start to evaporate because it began to fog at the top and form condensation.
The beaker water began to boil at around 4 minutes. 
At around seven minutes we saw patches of salt that were off-white in colour on the meniscus. 
At twelve minutes, the evaporating dish resembled Creme Brulee because there was a layer of salt on the meniscus. 
At fourteen minutes we added 30grams of salt to the evaporating dish. We could feel a thickened consistency when we stirred it with the glass stirring stick.
By seventeen minutes the beaker water level was at 75mL, 25mL lower than the original level of 100mL. 

Outline two factors that affect the speed of evaporation (i.e how can the speed of evaporation be increased?). 
1. By stirring the liquid, the molecules in it receive the required amount of energy from the temperature to escape the liquid and evaporate faster.
2. A larger surface area means more liquid is exposed to the air at one time and as a result, will evaporate quickly. For example, a puddle of water will evaporate faster than a bucket of water because the puddle is being exposed to the air more. 

Below is a Google Slide I made displaying diagrams and images of what the experiment will look like.

Thursday 15 March 2018


Wonder Novel Study Part Four ✨

Wonder Work | Pages 118-157 ✨

1. Summer's initial reaction to August face was that he had the weirdest looking face she'd ever seen, however she wanted to be friends with him because she wanted to. The result of this is that other kids judged her for doing so.

2. Summer's invited to Savannah's party because all the popular kids wanted to know why she hung out with August - or, as they call him, 'The Zombie Kid'. They disguised this by telling her Julian wanted to date her instead.

3. Summer starts a friendship with August because she felt a little sorry for him and what judgement he got for having such an abnormality. It's beneficial for both of them because August begins to make new friends with people, and Summer learns that August really isn't that bad - or scary - as he may seem. In a way, this could be the start of a new friend group for both of them.

4. The quote "Now here is my secret. It is very simple. It is with only one's heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is visible to the eye," means that it is what on the outside that is important, but what is on the inside is even more important. If you want to find out what's on the inside, you need to use your heart and feel emotions.

5. Jack was reluctant to take August on the tour because he knew who the kid was, and he knew how weird he looked. What made him say yes was that he felt bad about his little sibling running away from August. Jack knew that he wouldn't stand a chance in middle school against Julian. He changed his mind and I think that was brave decision to make.

6. I think that Jack feels pretty bad about him and August not being friends anymore, although he tries to ignore the feelings by saying he doesn't care. He said that he could tell August anything, he would laugh at his jokes, and he likes to hang out with rather than anyone else in the grade. 

7. Jack punched Julian in the face because of the rude, jerky things he had said about August's face, disease, and social status.

8. My opinion of Jack's character changed after reading his point of view drastically. Before reading I thought of Jack as a person with double standards because he would act nice to August but act the opposite around other people, such as Julian. After reading I learned that he's had encounters with August that he would have to be sorry for doing, and that he's struggling with his emotions surrounding August. He's not acting that way on purpose, he's just having a difficult time fitting in with others.

9. I think August would have been surprised but also a little happy that Jack punched Julian. It would be intimidating to know that he was the reason why but he would also be slightly proud or eager as Julian got a taste of his own medicine. I think it will have a good effect on Jack and August's relationship as it will prove that Jack is willing to make sacrifices for August. 

Wonder Can Do's ✨

CREATE: Using a visual planner like a Venn Diagram, examine the characters of Summer and Jack; how they are alike and different. (I used Piktochart to make this)

MUSICAL: Listen to Wonder, the theme song written for the Movie adaption of the book. How does the music emote the story when it uses no words?

The tempo of the music has a fast and upbeat pace at some points yet slow and emotional at others. 
The beginning of the music has an adventurous vibe and reminds me of a fun, happy environment. It then progresses to a more slow, steady rhythm as the violins enter, and this more reminds me of a sadder, emotional environment.

The music then starts to pick up the pace, getting gradually louder to build anticipation. The music then changes to a fun drum beat that makes me feel like it is an important, imaginative time. It reminds me of being around a campfire and everyone is having a good time, and the piano adds sincere emotion to the song. 
The end is very quiet and slow, and it reminds me of time slowed down, as if to capture good memories in the melody.
The instruments used are piano, violin, drum and organ.