
Tuesday 30 October 2018


Before we plan a trip to Mars we need to gather some important information about it.
Using the Mars fact sheet or an online search engine you need to compile details about Mars and record these on your blog ( or a piece of paper).


How can an actor use their body and movement in a performance?

Body movement is one of the most important and expressive forms of body language across all species on Earth. Whether it's a simple hand gesture to an entire show of flailing limbs, the movement of the body is not only important in real-life situations, but also in drama.
So what are some examples of body movement in Drama situations?

Well, it's human instinct to use hand gestures when you talk. But in situations like stage production, it is common for actors to over exaggerate and dramatise expressions like these. 

Another example of body movement is when actors add drama to their emotions in an exaggerated way to portray their emotion more clearly. For example, actors may place their hand to their temple and open their mouth wide to portray surprise, shock, etc. I think this is called stylised movement but honestly I'm not too sure.

Another classic example of body movement is dancing onstage.And even just extending your hands while singing counts as body movement. So there are many ways you can express your emotion just by moving your body.

What other ways can you think of?

Friday 26 October 2018


What am I learning?
I am learning to understand how characters are developed in a film like Dragonheart. 

How does this show my learning?
Obstacles that characters face are crucial in films to develop not only the plot, but the character themselves. By completing these challenge charts I am showing I understand what specific challenges specific characters faced and how that helped to develop themselves as a character.

What am I wondering as a result of this learning?
(This hardly related but oh well) Did the writers ever write an alternative ending to the film Dragonheart? If so, I'd like to see it. I feel like it was unfair that Draco had to die and there could have been some other way to avoid that. It was almost if the ending was rushed. 

Tuesday 23 October 2018


What am I learning?
I'm learning to analyse and understand the plot of the film 'Dragonheart'.

How does this show my learning?
By summarising the plot of the film I am showing that I understanding the meaning of the plot and how each part furthers the film.

What am I wondering?
I am wondering, how do the makers of these films come up with such intricate plots? Do they use the techniques that I already know that Pixar uses?

Thursday 18 October 2018


Hornby is having a logo competition! Thanks to the Hornby Resident's Association and the student council, we have partnered up to hold a competition looking for a logo for our small but beautiful town. Hornby High School students of all year levels are eligible to enter 1-2 entries each up until Friday November 2nd, either digitally or on A3 paper. The winner will be announced December 3rd, that is, after a lengthy judging process including opinions from Hornby High School principal Mr Sutton. Jakita and I were in charge of creating a fun, short video to advertise it. I've never really made a video before so I volunteered to do it to challenge myself. We ended up actually making a really good video that I'm proud of, using Powtoon (the OG videomaker back at South Hornby!)



Understanding the importance of setting to film!
Task: Create an either digital or physical visual response to a particular part of a setting (a time, place, or both). Write a brief explanation explaining why you think this particular aspect of setting was significant to the story. 

I believe the waterfall in Dragonheart was a significant aspect in the film due to it being Draco's home. It tells the story of where he lives, shedding light on his own personal life, and also provides an explanation as to where he has been hiding all these years. 

A physical visual response is what I wanted to do - it's something I've never done before so it will certainly be challenging. 

Began planning on my diorama waterfall scene in this Google Doc. I including equipment needed and the method I believe would be easy but practically free to make (I'm not wasting any of my pocket money on this -  at least not yet). Here I was just playing around and using some pictures as reference to visualise my ideas, thanks to Pinterest and Google Images. Pinterest is actually a very good website to use when you need to create something, I have discovered recently. 

Finally started on my diorama waterfall scene. I've done some researching since school ended - just some editing of my plan and equipment. After a good search in Mum's office for a cardboard box I found one and cut one up to replicate some of the homemade dioramas I was inspired by online. It looked almost like a shoe box. Next of all I started on the actual waterfall part. My plan was to hot glue ripples on a cut-out plastic template made from a Coke bottle. However, when I tried this, the plastic melted completely due to the heat (I should have thought about that), so I'm putting the waterfall portion on hold so I can find a better alternative. I did get some progress done today. I started hot gluing some rocks onto the walls to act as the rocks around the waterfall. I collected them from my garden (they're fake ones, don't worry) washed them and glued them on. It's looking good so far.

After my little brother helped me collect some more rocks I finally got it all finished. I've glued them in a curved sort of way and glued them on the bottom of the box leaving room for the 'river'. It was hard to place them strategically but I really like how it turned out. Other than that Mum and I have been trying to brainstorm some ideas on what we can use for water other than hot glue. Another aspect of the plan - using hot glue as the actual river at the bottom of the waterfall - has been destroyed because Ruby doesn't have many glue sticks that she can give me. Time to get my thinking cap on!

We finally found an alternative! My Mum has this very expensive but very beautiful iridescent plastic she graciously allowed me to use a few squares of. I've scrunched it up to serve as the ripples in the river and glued a long piece to the wall and let it "flow" down into the river. It's very pretty; it doesn't look as realistic as much of the professional dioramas but I think it's beautiful and a very creative way to display it. 

School holidays have gotten me bored so I decided to paint something today. That something is my diorama. Using a cotton swab (I didn't want to use my expensive paintbrushes) and some of Ruby's concentrated blue food decorating thingy (again, I'm not using my expensive watercolour) I painted a blue background on the wall of the box to serve as the sky. The actual waterfall seen in Dragonheart has a cliff instead of the sky but I think this was a better alternative to leaving a bare wall. I used some cotton as some clouds (courtesy of Mum) 

Finally I think I've finished. I'm going away most of the holidays so I wouldn't have much time if I didn't get it done right away. I'm proud of what I've done - it's so beautiful - and I think it is up to a high standard. If I would do another diorama I think I would have completed a draft. Mine wasn't perfect, there's still a few things I would have changed, so a draft would have been great to learn from. Also, I really need to learn how to handle a hot glue gun safely.

Like, seriously.