
Tuesday 14 May 2019

UNWIND: Essay preparation 1

1. Adverb Sentence
-An adverb is something to describe a verb, adds to the verb. Usually ends in an 'ly'.
Ex. curiously, quickly, rapidly, often, curiously, importantly, technically, firstly, secondly, lastly, remarkably, similarly, significantly, readily, interestingly.
- Comma goes after the adverb, ex. 'Surprisingly, Mrs Handley was on time for class.' 

1st ex. sentence: Interestingly, Harry Potter is one of the best-selling children's books of all time. 

2nd ex. sentence: Remarkably, all sunflowers face the sun due to a plant hormone called auxin.

2. Begin with a preposition

Try starting your sentence with a preposition. Prepositions are little words indicating movement or position. Ex. against, under, above, in, at, throughout, behind, within, near, for, about, between, over, prior, beyond. 

1st ex. Against all odds, the humans managed to save Earth from its predatory invaders.

2nd ex. Prior to the apocalypse, there were over 4 million citizens in New Zealand, in contrast to the remaining 200,000. 


3. Classic compare and contrast paragraph

The Heartland War was devastating to the world's economy, population, and political tension, however it were the results of the second World War, in 1935, that were the most severe. Firstly, the Heartland War did not involve as much of the population as the second World War did throughout its duration. The Hiroshima bomb, a bomb which the United States shot at Japan, for example, killed almost 150,000 people of Japan, whereas the Heartland War was responsible for 90,000 recorded deaths. 

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