
Friday 27 July 2018


Hello and welcome back to Term 3!
This term is bound to be very exciting for a few reasons:
One, our timetable got switched, and we have been introduced to a bunch of new classes. 
And two, we finally were able to move into our new buildings!

I still remember what Hornby High School looked like before the 18 months of construction started, and it's hard to believe I stand where the old library was everyday. But the new buildings look fantastic, and the classes we've had in there have been great. My favourite part about the new building is probably how modern everything looks: it's a real upgrade from what Hornby High School used to be (i.e the buildings that have been here for around 50 years - the ones my Mum was in when she was a kid!)

This term I have already taken some opportunities. First of all I joined a Minecraft competition (for clarification: I only play Minecraft now at 3am when I'm totally bored but I used to when I was ten so I said why not) where we have to build a sustainable eco-house. 

I'm going to do it individually as opposed to a team because I feel like I've been doing so much group work lately. I also prefer working individually anyway.

The second opportunity that I took was a spot as a student librarian! You can catch me now lurking in the library shelves 😎 Okay but for real I'm super excited to start as student librarian because I love reading and I love taking opportunities that can grow my roles within the school community.

I'm super excited for what this term can bring. The new classes I'm taking are Japanese, Maori, Digital Tech (I love all of them by the way) 


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