
Wednesday 7 March 2018

Wonder Novel Study Part Two ✨

Wonder Pages 41-80

1. Star Wars may be one of August's passions because the characters are seen as "freaks" or people that are not expected to do well, but do amazing things. I think he could also relate to Boba Fett because although the character has a deformed face, he can still do amazing things for the galaxy, and I think this is something August can learn from and aspire to be. 

2. Julian asked inappropriate questions including, "What's the deal with your face?", "Were you in a fire or something?" and, "Teachers came to your house?". I think Julian asked the questions because he was confused about August's abnormalities and he wasn't explaining them.

3. I agree with this precept because it a good motto to have in life. No matter how you feel, kindness always wins, and it will get you places rather than being unkind and mean. If you are mean to someone it could stop you from doing things in the future. 

4. I think August was getting frustrated because his Mum was being needy and nosy into what happened while walking home - she was asking too many questions he was reluctant to answer.

5. I don't think a lot of kids came to his party because they were scared or afraid to be around him. August said that no one wanted to touch him and being at a birthday party would go against that "rule". 

6. Aversion means to have a strong dislike against something. That means in August's case, he hates having his photo taken. This might be because he doesn't like the way his face looks and he doesn't want a photo as a reminder.

7. They don't want to touch August because they have a fear that he is "contagious" and they might catch a face-deformity like what August has.

8. My opinion on Jack changed because even if what he said was untrue, he is still willing to say it behind August's back to seem cool. He isn't that great of a guy if he is willing to do so.

9. I think August will go back to school, even if it's hard for him. I think he will have a hard time fitting in again and talking to Jack, and need someone to talk to.

Can Do Tasks

Find the meanings of the following words:

Contagious: Something able to be transmitted via contact with an object or person that has been contaminated. Examples: The flu can be spread if infected people touch objects or cough in the air, spreading germs.
Exception: Being excluded or separated, from something. Example: being kicked out of a group project.
Recital: A show representing dancing and performing. Examples: ballet recital, dance recital.
Aversion: Having a dislike or hate against a person or thing. Example: being scared of aeroplanes, or not liking your homophobic family member.
Mortality: Having the possibility of death. Immortal, which is the opposite, means death is not possible for the person. Example: Everyone is mortal because we all die one day.

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