
Thursday 8 March 2018

Wonder Novel Study Part Three ✨

Wonder Novel Study | Pages 81-117

1. This part is different because it is written from the perspective of August's older sister, Via. Her perspective is different as it reveals more about her own experience with August's condition and her relationship with her family. The parts don't match up as August and Via go to different schools, have different opinions, and have different experiences in life.

2. There are many challenges Via may face being August's sister. The most significant challenge may be the judgement she receives when out in public. Other challenges include comparison between her and her brother, and feeling left out when August gets more attention than her. 

3. She might be trying to say August is the sun because everything seems to revolve around him, much like the sun in the solar system. He is the centre of attention in this universe of life in Via's eyes.

4. I don't agree that it was a mistake to make August think he is normal to a certain extent. August will never look like other humans, and not every human will treat him normally due to this. There is no point in hiding something that August will have to spend the rest of his life facing. As long as August feels comfortable in his own skin and he feels loved and cared for, I don't see any justification for his family to hide August's abnormality. 

5. Via goes by Olivia at her school in order to keep her home life and school life separate. It might help her to cope with her stress and struggles. I think Via is finding high school hard so far. It says at first she was excited to have been accepted but now she is finding it very difficult from what she imagined. She has lost her two best friends which must be hard for her. 

6. The odds of Via having a child looking like August are 50/50 (or 50%), which is an even chance. There's no way in recieving a definite answer on whether the odds are good or not until she possibly has a child, but at this point I don't think there are terrible odds considering that they could be much worse. 

7. Miranda is a character that is clearly struggling with her friendship with Via, but she can be caring when she wants to be. Over summer vacation, she found new friends and changed a lot from her old personality, which Via is having difficulty comprehending. Miranda might also be hiding behind defensive feelings around her and Via's friendship: she did not admit her feelings of missing Via to her face, instead she did it over the phone. 

8. Via's character is very caring, thoughtful, but also hoards a lot of secrets that she has never admitted to anyone. She writes about how no one has really understood her emotions growing up, and now that she is in high school she is in need of someone to talk to. It is as if she balls up all of her feelings inside and is now just starting to let it all out. Behind her gentle, sensible character she is struggling to cope with starting high school, her friendship, and family.

9. I think that August is reluctant about having to go back to school because he will be confronted with the problems he will have difficulty to/doesn't want to solve. I think that when he goes back to school he will eventually have to come to the conclusion that it is better to sort out his problems and he will do so.

Can Do Tasks

ART: Draw a picture of August as he is described by Via, his sister. Discuss why you have added certain features, styles, or colours in your creation.

Via said that August has slanted, downward eyes about an inch lower than normal human faces. 

She said his nose was too big and his chin was too small, with skin like melted candlewax and jagged scars outlining his entire face.

I drew August with dark eyes and hair because that is how he is portrayed in the movie. I put ordinary clothes on him because I feel as if though he would want to blend in at school.

CREATE: Create a character web with August at the centre. Place the other characters around him, putting those who are important to him closer and of less significance further away. Include family, friends, classmates, etc.

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