
Wednesday 4 September 2019

Figurative language course (mega-blog)


Figurative Language
A phrase common to people who speak the same language- saying one thing but meaning another.
Literal Language
Meaning exactly what you say.
Comparing two unlike things using the words like or as
Comparing two unlike things not using the words like or as.
Giving human qualities to non-human things.
Writing with detail to arouse one or more of the 5 senses.
Saying one thing and meaning something else.
An exaggeration of the facts.
Repetition of consonant sounds in a piece of writing.

What am I learning?
I am learning the definitions of these words as they will come up a lot in the figurative language course. 

How does this work show my learning?
This work shows that I am able to match the correct words to their definitions and know the difference between similar meanings. 



a: Copy these sentences onto your blog and highlight the simile in each:
  1. My bedroom was as black as a cave in the depths of the earth.
  2. The classroom after school became as noisy as a gaggle of gabby geese.
  3. The cat capered along the fence top like a tightrope walker on the hire wire. 
  4. My anger crashed into me like waves against the shore. 

b: Use a word from the box to complete each simile

  1. The cloth was as black as coal
  2. The wet ball was as slippery as an eel
  3. My little sister is as playful as a kitten
  4. The top of this table is as smooth as silk
  5. I’ve been as busy as a bee
  6. The lamb is as white as snow

c: For each of these sentences is it a simile or a metaphor?

  1. As slippery as an eel. (simile)
  2. Arnie was a man-mountain. (metaphor)
  3. He was a lion in battle. (metaphor)
  4. She is as pretty as a picture. (simile)
  5. The striker was a goal machine. (metaphor)
  6. The torch lit up the room as if the sun had already risen early. (simile)
  7. The moon was a misty shadow. (metaphor)
  8. My friend has a face like thunder. (simile)

d: Have a go at writing some Similes and Metaphors of your own:

Must Do - 3 (of each)

Should Do- 4-6 (of each)
Could Do- 6-8 (of each)

He was a true savage beast
Kyle drank the Monster™ energy drink as if it were the nectar of the gods
Elmo burned with the rage of a thousand rhinos

SIMILES Natasha's rage was as wrathful as Mr Stokes during the teacher vs. students games
The ledge was as unstable as my finances
The hypebeast was a lit as a cigarette


Alliteration is when a consonant sound is repeated over and over. 
E.g The time ticked tediously by. The warm wind wafted across the window.

Highlight the alliterations in each of the following sentences: The sun sizzled the swimmers skin. I accidently ate an awful apple. Beth borrowed Barry’s books before biology. Slipping and sliding, I stumbled in the snow and slush. Many mysterious men mumbled messages. The gallant goat gobbled gobs of garbage greedily. The rapidly rising river rushed rampantly.

Finish these sentences with your own alliterations:
  1. Red roses…
  2. While wandering… the wind whistled wildly.
  3. The tired traveller... told tales tediously.


Personification is when you give qualities to non-human things
E.g The house watched me closely. The trees reached out to me. 

In each sentence, an object or idea is personified.  Identify the object or idea that is being personified and explain which human trait or action is applied to the object or idea.

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