
Tuesday 30 October 2018


How can an actor use their body and movement in a performance?

Body movement is one of the most important and expressive forms of body language across all species on Earth. Whether it's a simple hand gesture to an entire show of flailing limbs, the movement of the body is not only important in real-life situations, but also in drama.
So what are some examples of body movement in Drama situations?

Well, it's human instinct to use hand gestures when you talk. But in situations like stage production, it is common for actors to over exaggerate and dramatise expressions like these. 

Another example of body movement is when actors add drama to their emotions in an exaggerated way to portray their emotion more clearly. For example, actors may place their hand to their temple and open their mouth wide to portray surprise, shock, etc. I think this is called stylised movement but honestly I'm not too sure.

Another classic example of body movement is dancing onstage.And even just extending your hands while singing counts as body movement. So there are many ways you can express your emotion just by moving your body.

What other ways can you think of?

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